DIY Beard Oil

Today I am sharing with you a DIY beard oil. This is a great gift idea for that bearded man in your life, or simply something that you crafty guys out there can make for yourself.

I made this beard oil for my boyfriend who is growing his facial hair like there is no tomorrow. Not only do I love a fun DIY project, but I like my products as natural as possible- making them myself is a way to ensure this. I did some research and after some experimentation came up with a simple formula using natural oils and essential oils.

This beard oil is 100% natural, easy to make and also very cost effective. It absorbs well and keeps those hairs in place. My experience working in a natural health store is that men’s products are often overlooked, the focus is primarily on women’s products. However, using toxic chemicals on your beard is not only bad for your skin, but can become easily ingested and therefore bad for your bod.

So, here is a toxic-free and natural beard oil that men will love!

DIY Beard Oil

Depending on the size of the bottle used, the recipe will be different. Here I put the proportions that I used, so that whatever vesicle you choose to carry your beard oil in, it will work!

1/3 Argon Oil
1/3 Sweet Almond Oil
1/3 Jajoba Oil

Essential Oils:
I used 5 drops each of cedarwood and pine.

This can also be used as a hair oil, but I would only suggest using it on particularly dry, frizzy and coarse hair. Otherwise, it may be a bit too greasy.

Happy DIY-ing!


Due to the hype about this post, I am now selling my beard oil at Health Hut Boutique in Toronto. Check it out!


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