What To Cook This Weekend, To Make Next Week Easier!

Hello and Happy Friday!

Not only is it Friday, but it is also the first week in September, and back-to-school time, which is generally a busy week for most.

I know many of my clients are starting to feel overwhelmed by school lunches, or even getting into a good routine for themselves and I wanted to pop on the blog to offer three simple items that you can cook this weekend, to make next week easier.

What To Cook This Weekend, To Make Next Week Easier! 

1. Baked Salmon/Chicken Or a Pot of Lentils 

It is a great idea to have a good protein source available, which you can add to your meals throughout the week. All of these options keep for a good 5 days and can last you the work/school week. Even if you do not want to cook something, you can have canned tuna or salmon available to top salads, put in a wrap or just add to whatever sides you are making.

2. Roast Vegetables 

Roasted vegetables could not be easier. You can chop up a bunch of your favourites like cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet potato, asparagus, zucchini etc. and add to a pan with oil of choice ( I like avocado or olive oil) and salt. Depending on the vegetables, cook at 350 anywhere between 30 minutes-1 hour. Roasted vegetables can be reheated, or added to a salad as an easy way to get added vegetables into your diet.

3. A Sauce or Dip 

This is a great way to make boring meals a bit more exciting. Many of us do not have the time to cook and so throwing together some things ( like your pre-made salmon, roasted veggies with perhaps a handful of greens) can be made more enjoyable and exciting with a really delicious dressing.

Here are some dressing recipes for inspiration!

You do not have to be a meal planning/batch cooking extraordinaire, but I really find that a little bit of preparation can go a long way. Minimizing kitchen time even a little bit throughout the way, can alleviate some stress. These three options are a great start and a wonderful base to a healthy week!

Happy Cooking!


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